Pennington Farmers Market opened for our first season in 2009.
The mission of the Pennington Farmers Market is to provide growers and producers within fifty miles of Pennington, New Jersey an opportunity to sell directly to the public; to promote the nutritional, environmental, and community health benefits of sustainable living; and to create a unique atmosphere in which to appreciate the agriculture, arts, culture, and character of Hopewell Valley.

We Are Looking for One or Two Individuals to be our On-Site Manager for the rest of the Season. If Interested, contact us at:
The On-Site Manager is at the Pennington Farmers Market from 8am to 1:30pm every Saturday from late-May through early November. If interested, contact the Farmers Market at:
Responsibilities include:
Before the Market
- Coordinate market Setup: signs, tents, information booth, Who’s Here chalkboard, etc. One or two setup assistants will be on hand, but the Manager will need to pitch in and help out.
- Assign locations to vendors as needed.
- Coordinate with Rosedale Mills Staff as needed.
During the Market
- Staff the Information Booth, along with Market Volunteers: Greet people, tally customers, answer questions
- Take a photo and post on Instagram to remind followers to come
- Collect table fee from weekly vendors
- Gather information from Vendors regarding products that they plan to bring to the upcoming market, especially new items
- Establish safety procedures as necessary, and ensure that these procedures are being followed
After the Market
- Coordinate breakdown of signs, tents, etc, with help from 1-2 cleanup assistants, and store materials in shed provided by Rosedale Mills.
- Make sure that the area is completely clean before departing.
Salary: $150/Market Day
- Ideal candidate would have experience working at a Farmers Market or other work that requires independence and working with the public.
- We understand that it may be nearly impossible to commit to working 24 Saturdays in a row, so we are open to the possibility of sharing this job between 2 Managers or finding an occasional sub.