November 23 is the last Market Day of our 2019 Season. How are you going to manage over the Winter?!? Here are a couple of suggestions.
Chickadee Creek Winter Farm Shares
If you’ve been thinking about a Chickadee Creek Farm Membership but haven’t tried it, or are looking for a Farm to get you through the winter, this is the time to jump on it. Chickadee Creek has a special trial size share for new members, detailed right here on the application to join.
Winter Markets
There are a number of Winter Markets not too far away that you might want to try. Chickadee Creek is at 2 of them. That might be a good place to start. You’ll find details on the when and where HERE.
- Princeton Indoor Market on two Thursdays a month
- West Windsor Indoor Market two Saturdays a month
You could also travel North and try the Stangl Indoor Market in Flemington on Saturdays.
Buy Direct
Many of our regular vendors also sell direct or on-line. If you’re craving the great stuff you were buying all summer long, you can easily get in touch by clicking on their names in the Vendors list below.